Corporate Summary

MYPROJECTORLAMPS.COM.HK is known by the corporate entity Xiao Fook Company Limited and conducts business on the web under the domain myprojectorlamps.com.hk. The company is referred to on the web as MYPROJECTORLAMPS.COM.HK.

MYPROJECTORLAMPS.COM.HK sells projector lamps for digital projectors covering a wide-range of brands which can be found by scrolling through the brand dropdown above. Our clients are businesses, universities, resellers all across the United States and we also sell products direct to consumers through our state-of-the-art website.

Leading Edge SSL Security

MYPROJECTORLAMPS.COM.HK is committed to protecting your credit card and other private data when you purchase with us through our website. We do not save any credit card information submitted to us, once your credit card has been charged the number is destroyed. We utilize Authorize.net 256-Bit SSL encryption for every transaction. To ensure that your information is secured, look for the green lock symbol in the address bar of your browser when purchasing.

Please read the privacy section in the Terms & Conditions.

Quality Projector Lamps

MYPROJECTORLAMPS.COM.HK sells thousands of high-quality branded and private label projector lamps. We have very competitive pricing and pride ourselves on having the most responsive, friendly and accountable customer service found anywhere. Our state-of-the-art website allows our customers to track packages with the click of a mouse, search thousands of projector lamps in a heartbeat and review order history.

Comprehensive Buying Experience

MYPROJECTORLAMPS.COM.HK strives to provide customers with the most accurate product descriptions and technical specifications found for these products anywhere. We also provide accurate, actual product photos for most products that are available immediately through the website. The nature of industrial products makes shipping these products sometimes slow and expensive, however our promise to our customers is that we will always be fair, honest and up-front with you when presenting shipping times and costs. Our goal is your satisfaction on every order.

For more information about MyProjectorLamps or for assistance with placing an order, contact us via email or at +852 2155 2332.